浴室: bathroom; shower room; bath; ...厕所: lavatory; washroom; water cl ...浴室,厕所: bathroom厕所及浴室: toilet and shower厕所及沐浴室: toilet and shower淋浴室与厕所: shower and toilet沐浴室和厕所: sh & t; shower and toilettoilet]沐浴室和厕所: sh & t厕所和浴室附件: toilet bath & laundry accessories; toilet,bath & laundry accessories厕所浴室设备单元: wc and bathroom unit浴室及厕所配件: bathroom and sanitary fittings浴室盥洗室厕所: toilet厕所和淋浴室厕所及淋浴室: toilet and shower带厕所或浴室的休息室: rest room浴室: bathroom; shower room; bath; bagnio厕所: lavatory; washroom; water closet (wc); toilet; latrine; [美俚] john; the w.c.: 厕所在哪里? where is the w.c.?; where can i wash my hand?; where can i add some powder?; where is the toilet?; where is the lavatory?; where's the restroom? 最近的厕所在西街。 the nearest public conveniences are in west street风浴室: air shower淋浴室: shower bath room; shower room; shower stall女浴室: female bath compartment盆浴室: sitz bath热浴室: stew上浴室: going to the public bath洗澡,浴室: bad, das; ..er药浴室: medicated bathroom浴室, 澡堂: bath-room